I am anxious to hear Red Heaven tonight. I think I am lucky enough to have stumbled
across a rare gem by the name of Joel Eilde. Just like Mick Jagger sings for the Rolling Stones and Bono sings for U2, Joel sings for Red Heaven.
Before I went to this show I listened to a few of their songs on YouTube so let us go and see what happens!
Trickster's Sounds is the venue I am going to tonight. Unfortunately, I have never been there before but heard good things about it. Trickster's has been around for 6 years and is owned by Lokki Merryman. He himself is a singer in second life and real life. Kaylantra Kasshiki manages the venue for Lokki, and she was more then friendly when I arrived.

As soon as I arrived Kaylantra said hello to me and added me to her dance hud. I love that
because I can concentrate on the show instead of struggling to change dances for the next hour. The venue is quaint and picturesque, from another time and it was very interesting to me. Even though it is a larger venue it had a small-time charm and feel to it.
Shortly after entering the venue, Joel from Red Heaven arrived and said hello before the show even started. He was already to go just waiting until the clock hit 5, the sign of an organized singer. In went the stream and he spoke to the crowd and introduced himself. What a very personable guy!
So, let the show begin!
Right away a full energy show starts with his first song called Mi Amigo, I love it, I am already happy I came. I have always felt when attending a live show, the singer must grab your attention right away and that is what Joel did. Then on with the song Pepsi and Cigarettes, not sure why but when he sings this song there are shades of Elvis being dredged
up inside of me. I totally adored this song!
Joel uses actual tracks recorded by Red Heaven without anyone singing on the tracks. He then can sing as if the band is performing with him as it would be rather hard to get the band all together in sl at the same time. Joel sings and plays the guitar live in sl with the tracks.
He goes right from one song into another making a great transition from one song to another which I love, this is going to be a full hour packed with great music!
He takes the time to talk for a minute talking about how their new album was released and how they just celebrated their tenth anniversary in March.
His next song is called The Invisible World. Joel sings a wide variety of original music. A
good description of the type of music he sings is what he calls Prog Rock. It is original rock tinctured with elements of blues, country, jazz, prog, world, metal, and so much more.
Wow this next song reminded me of a Gregorian chant that then transforms into something fantastic! This song really shows the creativity of what they can do. The name of the song is "Now In Love".
Joel takes a break for a minute to tell everyone about another new album coming out the end of August!
Now on to a cover song now, Pink Floyd - "Comfortably Numb", Great song!!
The hour has gone way to fast, he now sings his last song Electron.
If you know me at all you know I love second life and the music here. Red Heaven belongs on the real-life stage all the time! However, if it were not for second life, I would have never had the opportunity to hear Joel and Red Heaven. He is wonderful and so entertaining, and you just are always waiting for the next surprise. Red Heaven has produced some wonderful music which is so unique you have to hear it for yourself.

I really enjoyed my time at Trickster's tonight. Kaylantra Kasshiki thanked us all for coming...I appreciated her hospitality.
I have not felt the wow factor in second life for a long time, but I did tonight. If you want to experience this stop by Trickster's Sounds on Thursday, Red Heaven will be performing again.