Waiting patiently at Do Mi Si La Do Re Venue for Gab to appear, been wanting
to do this blog on him ever since I started writing for Toggle for Music. So today is the day!
I arrived at Do Mi Si La Do Re Venue and the owner Azelyne Amethyst greeted me and was very friendly and kind to me, that is what you like to see in a venue here in sl!
First thing I thought of when I arrived was, I am at a good place when they name the venue with music notes! Azelyne, the owner obviously loves music! It is an outside venue...so it is casual, bathing suit to shorts or a casual dress.
I have been going to Gabriel da Silva's shows for some time now in Second Life. You pick up along the way the history and back story of the entertainers when you attend their shows regularly.
Gab hails from Porto, Portugal and was raised in a family of musicians, I was too so I can relate to that. Throughout his life he learned and practiced passionately, staying faithful to his unique style and to his love of Hard Rock.
He has become very popular in second life playing covers and because of his original songs he created. As it says on his website "the feedback from his originals has been overwhelming and insane."

About time for the show to start and right on time Gab goes LIVE!
He says hello with that infamous laugh we all love so much! When people are enjoying what they are doing, it is the best feeling in the world, that is the feeling you get from Gab from the moment he turns on his mic. For those of you who do not know Gab he is also an awesome guitar player!
You know that when you come to a Gabriel Da Silva show that it is one great song after another. The sign of a good singer is one that has sung a song over and over, but when they sing it, every time it is just as good as the first!
He starts out with the song "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors , great song! After he was done with that song, he tries to make everyone feel welcomed and was even looking for
how to say hi to someone from Russia in the Russian language. He always makes everyone feel comfortable and he recognizes many of the people attending his show.
"You Give Love A Bad Name" was the next song. Songs like this fit Gab perfectly.
He then introduces himself as Justin Bieber lol . Not many singers in sl that can sing, play guitar and be a comedian at the same time!
Gab is a true rocker with such a great vocal range and if you were lucky to have been at this show today you can hear this in several of his last songs of the show.
"Say You Will" was the next song on the list.
As I look around there is a large amount of people here. Gab has a large following of fans that are very faithful to him. I know the first time I ever heard him I was really surprised that this kind of talent was in second life. He has great musicianship, he plays with confidence and his voice has a unique, good tone.
The first 20 minutes of his show before he stopped to talk to the audience was just jam packed with tunes. His shows are entertaining from the minute he turns on his mic.
Gab has a great hud system that also keeps his fans informed as he goes through the show. I am not sure how he balances everything and still has a fantastic show!
Next up another favorite of mine, "Ride like the wind".
Gab was nice enough to tell the audience that I was here to write a blog on him, thanks Gab!
He is now playing one of his originals, as he said his originals are generally very fast...fast and great!
One of my favorite songs Gab does because it shows his range that he can sing as I was speaking about earlier is Sounds of Silence. When he sings it, I get goose bumps, I cannot say that has ever happened to me before in sl when listening to a song, only this song and this man when he sings it!
It is hard to top that song but on to "Runaway" and then "I Want to Know What Love Is". You know the singer is talented when they can belt out a Rock n' Roll song and shift very easily with not much effort into a love ballad.
He finishes with one of my favorite songs by Queen, " The Show Must Go On", an awesome tune by Queen that Freddie Mercury used to sing.
So, this is my opinion, I am sure like many others in second life think to me Gab is one of the very best entertainers in sl! It is obvious that Gab can feed off the energy of the crowd the same way they feed off him, that is what he did today and every performance he does.

Show must go on, until the next time!