I just dropped in to Cafe Musique, trying to find some music because for me it was early - 7 am slt. BGSinger was entertaining the crowd with many songs from the 70's. A lot of SL singers have trouble with the high notes, but not this singer, his tenor voice is amazing, and he captivatingly reaches the high notes without any strain. On his profile, it reads, "I am a classically trained singer with more than 10 years of formal training." It shows!
The crowd was laughing and carrying on with him. Also, his sense of humor and kindness to the crowd was a prominent part of his set. BGSinger welcomes every person that lands, so as part of the audience, this shows he is live, and not recorded. (Another plus, since some singers do use recordings.) Today, I was lucky because he was filling in for a singer that couldn't be at the club. But please check out the events, and plan on hearing BG when he is at Cafe Musique, on Mondays @ 8am slt.

Cafe Musique, is a Toggle for Music sponsor, and they have entertainers there almost 24/7.
It's a great place to hear some of the best singers in SL, and the beach is magnificent!
See you around the grid. ~ Jade ♥