Art Aid was launched in November 2017 as a collaberation between Rossini Events and Feed a Smile and is based in Commonwealth Village

Feed a Smile is the Second Life branch of the Live Learn Kenya charity. The aim of the charity is to feed, clothe and educate underprivileged children in AIDS ravaged Kenya
For over 7 years in Second Life Feed a Smile has raised thousands of dollars for the charity through the hard work of Brique Topaz and her loyal friends, along with significant contributions by Madpea and our own Rossini Events
Many concerts and events have been held throughout Second Life, many performers have given their time freely to help this wonderful cause
The aim of Art Aid is to take the charity into a whole new area. The area of Art.
By donating one item, each artist and photographer can potentially raise thousands of Lindens, paid directly into the charity account.
In the Art Aid Gallery 100L buys a piece of art. Im Kenya 100L feeds a child for a day.

WHY WE DO THIS .............
The end product .... some of the hundreds of children clothed fed and educated by the wonderful generosity of Second Life members ..... Here are some pictures of the children enjoying the meal which resulted from our gallery opening event ... and a big thank you written on the chalkboard!