Today I am going to Blues Cove to do a blog on Noma Falta and Virgil Flowers. I am excited to do this today as I love this club, I used to go there frequently a few years ago so time to return. Also, I get to listen to Noma and Virgil streaming which I have never had the chance yet to hear together.
So, I was at the venue earlier today just to check it out and I noticed there was a big addition to its which was quite nice. That is the area in which they performed. I will make sure to post a few pics of the newer area and one of the more familiar parts of Blues Cove that you all will remember.
Everyone was very friendly when I came in and I love what Aqua has done with the club. I love this addition to its which I have never had the chance to see before.

Noma and Virgil start the show out with The Thrill is gone by B.B. King, a great blues song! That was a great opening song, the thrill was for sure not gone during that performance!
I am anxious to hear this song because honestly, I never knew that Eric Clapton performed with Tina Turner. So now listening to this song called Tearing Us Apart!
Both Noma and Virgil are also talented musicians. Noma plays the bass while Virgil plays the guitar. This musicianship really adds to the flavor of the songs they sing, it makes you feel as if you are at a great life event, but right here in second life!
Next up is I Need You Tonight by ZZ Top. It is a much slower tempo song than the previous one, sort of a lazy blues style song. Musicianship is at the forefront of this song!

Ok we are leaving the lazy blues behind now headed to some rock now!
What a classic song this next one is! I just died in your arms tonight by Cutting Crew. Noma is doing a awesome job with this song! She has such a relaxed style when she sings, she does not force it her singing just comes out so easy. The mark of a great singer!
Both Noma and Virgil are veterans of the real-life stage and studio and of course of sl! One thing I love when people dual stream in sl is how some love to banter back and forth. I loved that part of these two. Noma cannot hear what Virgil is saying but he has the benefit of hearing the whole thing, it was quote unique.
Who doesn't love the song Rock Steady by Bonnie Raitt? We are really getting into the thick of the show now! Virgil starts to sing, and Noma jumps right in. I did some research on this one and thought it was only Gretchen Peters who wrote this song, but Bryan Adams did it along with Gretchen. It was written as a duet so that Bonnie's friend could sing it with her. Great lyrics, " You need a rock not a rolling stone". Noma and Virgil killed this song!
Lots of people here now at Blues Cove! These two for sure draw the crowd.
I was talking to a friend of mine tonight and this only clarified what Noma said the other night during their show. She said not to forget to invite your friends to this live show because so many people do not even know there are live events and that was verified by my friend today. He didn't know there was anything like that in sl until the 2nd year he was here. I have to admit I didn’t know that right away either.
Next up Middle of the Road by The Pretenders. Noma is singing the part that Chrissie Hynde did in the original! I looked around the club and everyone was really enjoying this song. So, at the end of the song, it was so classic when Noma said, "That's what I am talking About".
Noma was bantering back and forth a little with Virgil. Did Virgil really pick up Noma on the side of the road when her car broke down? Did she really offer him to live stream with her? Inquiring minds want to know, I guess we will just have to find out that for sure next time.
Somehow, Somewhere, Someway is next up by Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Virgil starts singing and then Noma jumps in. Oh yeah, they did a great job on this song, it was a slow bluesy rock type song. That song really got me going, dancing on the table music, not to worry boss I didn’t do it!
Lots of duets of course in this show tonight because of the dual stream. Wow that Bryan Adams used to be everywhere. Now a duet with Tina Turner called Its Only Love.
I'll Take Care of You by Etta James, another great song. Wow you can really hear the strength of Noma's voice in this song! This is how I remember Noma the first time I ever heard her
and she is still the same today. Virgil really plays a great guitar in this!
The part of the show I never like, the last song of the evening. What a way to end it with Gimme All Your Lovin by ZZ Top. So, we got to go now, always have the feeling of just one more song please.
These two are extremely amazing solo artists here in Second Life yet when they perform together, they are a high octane. They are drawing in the crowd and grabbing their attention with their mix of blues, rock and frankly their appeal.
They make a great team! Bravo, I was thoroughly entertained!
Here are the pics I promised of the venue...the original part and the new area where the performance was tonight.

Old Area

New Area
