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Glow Live Music Grand Opening - Aminius Writer, Inkaku Capalini, Winter, Wolfie Moonshadow

Writer:  Carmen Cardone Carmen Cardone

When I arrived at Glow Panjana was very friendly to me and I can only imagine the thoughts going through her head as I have been in her situation before opening new venues. I know the feeling of being a little nervous, anxious and scared and wondering if people would come and if it would be a success. I am sure she might have been experiencing all those emotions and more at that time.

First let me say that when I arrived at this new venue, Glow Live Music I was very impressed and amazed at what the owner Panjana Bellisserian had done. I am a detailed oriented person and as I looked around everything was just right. What a great job she did! Panjana had put a lot of thought into the development of Glow.

I know how much she was looking forward to this day so let me tell you how it went.

Aminius Writer is up first on stage to open the new venue. I have not heard him for such a long time, along with the other singers today because it seems the times, they perform are different than my time zone.

I forgot what a great voice Aminius has, and I was thrilled to hear him again! I have watched him sing on a live stream from a Second Life Jam in Germany. He is an amazing guitar player which is dear to my heart.

He was playing an amazing song by Coldplay which is one of my favorite groups.

Wicked Game was next by Chris Isaak, I have always loved this song. Aminius has this great tone to his voice. I can never seem to place who Aminius sounds like to me, but today it came to me! For me he sounds a lot like Bryan Adams, he just has that very familiar comforting tone to his voice which I love.

Creep is next by Radiohead. This is not a very easy song to sing I feel but it is interesting to know what the song is about. It is about a uncertain, ugly, disliked person who wants to be appealing, well known, and seen by a young lady. Of course, this is all totally opposite of what Aminius is as we well know. However, I just like to take a deep look into a song sometimes because that is what music is all about understanding it. Great song and done so well by him.!

I started to look around and suddenly Glow started to get busy! So happy for Panjana that their grand opening is a success! I know how nerve racking it is to have a grand opening and worrying about it but in the end, they always seem to be great!

Aminius continued with some more songs one of them was Cannon Ball, I loved listening to this song. Now on to a song he sang in German, unfortunately I do not know the name of it, but it was very smooth.

So long for now Aminius can't wait to hear you again!

Inkaku Capalini is next! I must admit I have never had the opportunity to hear her and so looking forward to this!

Wow! All’s I can say is this woman has energy! I can tell this is going to be fun. Another wow, what a voice she has! I need to find out much more about her she has some history as a professional you can hear it in her voice. I did find out that she has been performing professionally for more than 30 years now. What a talent!

She is singing Rhythm is Gonna Get You by Gloria Estefan. This is a good choice for her to start out with because it really grabs your attention, and this certainly fits her type of singing.

She takes the time after this song to say hi to each and everyone in the audience. Seriously where did this woman come from and how have I not heard about her before. She is great and so refreshing!

She sings on with several more songs so well suited to her. What's Up by 4 Non Blondes, My Sharona by the Knack, Boogie Oogie Oogie by A Taste of Honey and finally The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson. I certainly got a lot of use of my disco dances with these songs! She is so high energy and what I really like is she keeps the same tempo of several songs right in a row.

Now onto Somebody's Going to Hurt Someone by Desperado. Not quite the fast tempo as the previous songs but just the way I like it slowly bringing the tempo down.

And who doesn’t' love the song Lay Down Sally by Eric Clapton which she nailed!

What an accomplished singer that Inkaku is! Will be checking her out again soon!

Winter was next! You know this is another singer I have never heard but all I have ever heard is awesome things about him. He certainly starts out very strong which is what I like. Grab the audience's attention at the beginning of the show, captivate them and make them want more for the next 60 minutes! That is what Winter does!

The Touch by Stan Busy he is singing now. I have never heard this song, but I love it! Nothing better than singing a song that tells them they are the winner! That is some positive reinforcement!

Next, he welcomed the crowd in a unique way which only a few singers do in sl. While he is singing, he adds everyone's name into the song. That is a way to make everyone feel so special, I love it.

Now we are onto one great hit after another. Walk this Way by Aerosmith, Hush by Deep Purple, Here I go Again by Whitesnake, and Separate Ways by Journey!

Did you know that when I write blogs, I listen to all the songs the singer sang to put me back in the mood of that moment again?

Does not take much thought to put me into the mood to listen to Maniac by Michael Sembello! Such a great job Winter does sing all these songs and what amazes me is he plays all these songs on the acoustic guitar.

And finally, we have a great song by Bon Jovi called Bed of Roses. This song was written by Bon Jovi while he was staying in a hotel getting over a hangover and the lyrics you hear is what he was thinking about.

I am so impressed with Winter, he is so high energy and connects so well with his audience.

Wolfie Moonshadow is next from Gibraltar!

Always been fascinated with the fact that Wolfie is from Gibraltar such a lovely, fascinating place.

One thing I always remember about Wolfie is he's always very consistent and very entertaining!

He starts out singing and gets to the song Blow which I am pretty sure is by Ed Sheeran. A unique song he sings so well! As the lyrics go, "Pull my trigger, let me blow your mind" and that is what Wolfie does when he sings this song! That was some great rock!

He is testing my memory now on this song, but I think I got it right. Clocks by Coldplay, so love the piano intro to this song. Wolfie goes right from some heavy rock and slides right into this slower tempo song so smoothly. I really like Wolfie's style.

So many times, during his show he shows so much thanks and appreciation to his audience who have come to see him. I really enjoy this side of Wolfie.

Oh yes some more rock! Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard! Wolfie is a great entertainer and what a range he has! I love it when he sings classic rock! As people say, "His sheer love of entertaining shines through in every performance". You can always tell when a performer enjoys what they are doing, and it is obvious Wolfie does!

Onto a unique song Desire by Meg Myers. I have never heard this song but it for sure has a great beat to it that grabs your attention! Great choice Wolfie!

Now onto Imagine Dragons by Believer, My Sharona by The Knack.

What better way to end a show than with One Vision by Queen, my second most favorite group! Wolfie rocked this song and I love the fact that he picks songs that are different and truly are not easy to sing. Thank you Wolfie!

What a great time this was! I wish I could listen to these 4 singers again some time in this same line up. It is amazing to me how each one is so different but, in the end, the music is what brings them all together. That is what was done today, it brought us all together to enjoy some great singing and the wonderful opening of Glow Live Music! Thanks, Panjana!


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