Not many singers in sl can be recognized by one word....MAX. We all know who that is of course, Max Kleene. What a treat to be able to write a blog on him today. Max is from Niagara Falls; Canada and I have known him a long time. I can't even think how long I have been listening to him, but I remember him singing the song Hallelujah around 2007 or 2008. I have watched him perform on a live stream at sl jams, particularly the Cleveland jam which I was going to go to since it was only an hour away. Unfortunately, I could not make it.
He is a very talented singer with a great range and tone and a super guitar player. He is a great guy and all around friendly and sincere person with a great personality. I always feel like I am with a group of friends at home listening to Max when he sings. He has that easy, comfortable feeling about him but is still very professional.

I arrive at the TAO event which I was at yesterday and once again it is bringing in a great amount of people, that's great!
So, one of the first things Max does is to give his fans a warm welcome, and if you have ever read my blogs, you know I feel that interacting with your audience is something I feel is very important. He then talks about TAO the event he is singing at today.
So briefly let me explain the TAQ event. You can find a more detailed explanation in my previous blog. As Winter a singer in sl who started TAO explained it is "Our one and ONLY aim is to raise money for children's Charities through mainly a Live music festival!" They have 4 events per year in Second Life at this location and this weekend's event supports KIKA, the Children's Cancer Society located in the Netherlands! So, let's start donating for a good cause.
Max's first song is Peace, Love, and Understanding. That is appropriate considering that is what these children need when they are battling cancer!
Next, he is going to sing a Rob Thomas song! Max likes to pick songs generally that are upbeat and gets the audience going, at least it does that for me!
A funny thing I do when writing a blog is play the original one on YouTube so that I can motivate myself and to compare the original to what an artist does. So, Max starts to sing Give a Little Bit, sung by Roger Hodgson of Supertramp. It is amazing how much Max sounds like him I just noticed that!
Next up is a song by Concrete Blonde called Bloodletting the Vampire song! I better step back from the stage some I think Max looks as if his canine teeth are extra sharp and extra pointy! Ha-ha! What a great song that is, I must admit I have never heard it before.
Well unfortunately when Max started his next song it seems as if those Vampire teeth broke his D string! See Max you should have left those teeth at home! Well fortunately we had many patient fans of Max's there today and we were all willing to wait it out. That is when you can tell the performance is LIVE! A broken string!
Oh, now I need to turn my volume all the way up for this next song! Creep by Radiohead is one of my most favorite songs! You got to sing along and sway with this one! Great job Max! This is when the range that Max has comes into play!
Now onto some Beatles songs which if anyone knows me knows why they are so close to my heart. First one is Yellow Submarine by The Beatles. Darn it I know I have a wearable yellow submarine in my inventory but as usual with 150,000 items it was hard to find!
Once again, I start to look in my inventory as he starts to sing, I am the Walrus. Yeah, I got one of those too! Max next time you got to tell me ahead of time! lol
But yeah, I used to have the Cavern Club in Second Life for almost ten years which of course is a real English club in Liverpool. So of course, you know why the Beatles are so close to my heart! Thanks for those songs, Max!
Oh, and who doesn't love the song Make you Feel My Love by Adele and surprising written by Bob Dillon. This is the first time I have heard Max sing this song and as usual Max makes this song his own!
This is the part of a show which I don't like, yes, the show is almost coming to an end. I have always said they need to make shows 90 minutes long! Maybe someday!
Max's last song is Humble & Kind by Lori McKenna. I don't know this song so can't wait to hear it! Great song Max, he is great at singing songs with feelings which is one thing I love about Max. But he also has a wide variety of songs that he sings.
So, another TAO performance is over, however you have all day on Sunday to come to the event and to donate to this cause! I am so honored to be able to do some of the blogs for this event. Please donate!
Thank you, Max, so much! I also want to thank Winter for being so kind to explain this event to me and its importance.
I won't say goodbye just see you next time....
