Laidback Celt (LB to his friends) , really lives up to his name . He has an easy going nature and greeted everyone at the venue like a longtime friend , getting the audience in the mood for some great music right from the start .
He has a very distinctive voice , kind of husky / raspy that you would expect from a blues singer , but he is so much more than just that . Singing songs from blues to rock and even finishing his set with Lady Antebellum's "I need you now" , he puts his own twist on the songs in a very pleasant way. His song list reads like War and Peace , it was just too hard to request one song out of so many . You could tell he really enjoys performing and this came across in his music and in his interaction with the audience . The venue...The Old Train Station , owned by Solana Python is a really cool place , it has that ambience that makes you feel like your'e in a place that famous performers might have used to get their big start , and after the show you can take a stroll upstairs through the Art Gallery . Full credit to Solana for a great venue and also hosting the gig making everyone feel more than welcome
