Kurt Calamity is the consummate North American entertainer. His live concerts in Second Life present audiences with a seasoned performer who is very comfortable behind his Korg N-1 keyboard. Kurt begins with an engaging greeting to guests that sets a warm, friendly tone for the music that follows, and the humorous anecdotes between songs.
I had the pleasure of catching Kurt's show on 13 July 2021 at The Night Owl, an international live music venue owned and operated by sweetpea Shiolva, and hosted by Sandra and Virgile. Kurt Calamity appears at The Night Owl bi-weekly on Tuesdays 1:00 pm.
Kurt's opening number was a hopeful rendition of "A Long December". It set the pace for the rest of the show. Guests can choose from among 200+ well-known cover songs, and a few of his own original compositions. Most of Kurt's music in Second Life is arranged for piano which is represented in world by his signature white grand piano, and a Lava Lamp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lava_lamp , which serves as his tip jar. When you send Kurt a tip you get your very own copy of this classic 60's lamp. That's a pretty good deal.

Versatile is a word that aptly describes Kurt Calamity's performances, followed by fun, and uplifting. His jaunty piano and tenor voice carry you along for a pleasant 60 minutes of wide ranging music, restoring hope, and a smile to your face. One song that stood out for me was the Foo Fighters "Learn To Fly". I had to listen again in the Facebook Live video posted above.
After the show, Kurt and I had a little chat, avatar to avatar. One of the more salient comments he made sums up nicely the man and his mission in life: "I am very dedicated to the idea of always trying to improve my musical performance, edging closer to perfection, trying to make the music more enjoyable for listeners."
Music lovers should hasten to Kurt Calamity's next concert. And, join his fan group. This is one group you really must join or subscribe to. But, don't take my word for it, hear for yourself as soon as you can.

Wonderful review of a Kurt Calamity Concert.. Excellent.. Spread the word ... Truly a musician not to be missed.