No new face but with a new name is John Rocky, formerly Erik Kottzen, on the TAO stage.
John brings us his beloved rock music as usual, but his music has become calmer, more sensitive and more thoughtful, which suits him very well!
These softer tones that he let us hear and enjoy and the new John probably not only pleased me very much, but also the many fans and the audience, who brought a great atmosphere with 76 visitors.
He performed songs like Behind blue eyes, Creep, Rollin on the River, Wanted dead or alive, Tears of a Dragon and Hotel California with a lot of feeling and that really impressed me.
Towards the end of the show Maximilliion Kleene came on stage and the two sang together, which for me was sensationally good and very emotional. A great duo, which harmonized perfectly and which I hope to see again soon.
Thank you John for this new and wonderful experience.
**translated from German**

Der Autor dieser Rezension hat die Fähigkeit, mit weniger Worten viel zu sagen. Es ist immer eine Freude, Taila zu lesen.