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By its very nature, Second Life is an environment which makes it possible to make friends, and attract lovers from every corner of the globe.  Relationships in Second Life develop rapidly, often lasting a long time, and it isn't uncommon for Second Life relationships to cross over to 1st Life and a real "Happy Ever After".


At times, however, even in the best of relationships, due to a whole variety of circumstances, suspicion and doubt can enter the mind.  These unwelcome feelings, by their very nature, harm an otherwise wonderful relationship, even if they are completely unjustified.


If you have doubts about the excuses that your partner has been making recently or if you believe that there is more than meets the eye, it' could be time to take action, if only to restore your peace of mind.


Do you ever wonder if your partner is being truthful? Do you ever wonder what they are doing when you aren't online? If you need to put an end to your doubts, then NSU could be able to help.


No Stone Unturned is a specialised organisation that aims to restore your peace of mind. Often we are able to reassure you that we can find no evidence of your partner's infidelity.  In the worst case scenarios we are able to help you discover details of the deception of your cheating partner. 


We understand that infidelity investigations are never easy. We know that very often people would rather live in the dark than having to face the fact that the person who they love the most has betrayed their trust. However, we believe that it is always better to know the truth before you make any decisions as that is the only way you can be sure you are making the right choice.


Get in touch with us today and discuss your situation with one of our agents. Everything you say will remain strictly confidential, even if you decide not to proceed with the investigation. The information you disclose to our agents will never leave the room.


We understand that talking to a stranger about the behaviour of your partner is never easy. Taking out the dirty laundry in front of someone you have never met before is a tough decision, but not knowing can often be even harder.


We are here to answer all your questions. And even though at times we need to share findings which are not very pleasant, we support the idea of wanting to know the truth. Everyone has the right to make up their mind based on all the evidence available.


If you feel that No Stone Unturned could help you ... or you simply need advice, then please pass a notecard to nostone in Second Life, and one of our Agents will contact you to arrange a friendly informal chat ...

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