Featured Performer

Anyone who knows anything about the live music scene in Second Life will need no introduction to our Spotlight Performer for July - its Jeffah!
Jeffah's career so far is well documented. Hailing from Ontario, Canada, he came to Second Life as an internationally acclaimed singer, having built up a massive reputation, both as a solo artist and subsequently with his band Fiddlestix.
From the day he arrived in Second Life, Jeffah has set new standards of quality and professionalism for the SL live music industry. In 2015 he won the coveted Second Life's Got Talent award. His shows are packed with a variety of genres, each performed with a seeming effortlessness that is the mark of a true professional
I caught up with Jeffah after one of his enormously popular concerts at Blues Cove and he kindly agreed an interview with Toggle For Music.

Michael : Hi Jeffah - thank you soo much for taking time out to do this interview with Toggle For Music.
Michael : First up - You come over as a sane, balanced kind of individual - how on earth did you get involved in the crazy world of Second Life?
Jeffah : Wow! Thank you for the compliment! Haha ;) I used a different virtual world before, and a friend there told me about Second Life. I tried it out, and it didn't take long for me to figure out it was a great place to perform music.
Michael : Do you remember your first gig - the venue and how it went ?
Jeffah : Certainly! It was a venue called KICKIN', and I had a whopping 10 people in the audience!
Michael : Following on from that is there a gig you remember above all ?
Jeffah : I will always remember my first time performing at THE ROSE THEATRE, and being blown away by the level of production that Kaya Angel puts into every show held in this magnificent theatre. If you've never been to a show at The Rose Theatre, you have no idea what you're missing!
Michael : One of the features of your concerts is the broad range of different genres you perform. . Do you have a favorite and more specifically a “go-to” song that you just love to sing? Or the one you belt out in the shower when no one is around.
Jeffah : I've never really had a favourite genre, as I have been exposed to so many different musical styles and cultures from a very young age. I grew up loving and appreciating all styles of music! As far as a "go-to" song... any one of the show-stopper arrangements by Michael Bublé typically grabs people's attention. ;)
Michael : Is there a performer(s) in Second Life you particularly admire ?
Jeffah : Yes. Oh, you want names? Haha... Well, I've been a fan of Max Kleene since the first time I heard him. (He's also a fellow Canadian!) I've recently been singing some dual streams with Wolfie Starfire, and I really admire her stage presence. Generally, though, I admire anyone with the courage to put a microphone in front of their mouth and spend an hour baring their soul to whoever is listening.
Michael : It can be hard trying to find your place in the SL music scene with so many performers on the grid - something you have clearly done. Do you have any advice to new performers on how to break through and stand out?.
Jeffah : Do not waste time trying to be someone you're not. Be who you are, and don't make any apologies for being honest. The most valuable thing about yourself is your individuality.
Michael : You know the Second Life live music industry inside out by now. Do you feel it is in a healthy state at this moment in time ? If you could do one thing to improve it - what would it be?
Jeffah : I'd probably make some enemies by sharing what I feel needs to happen with the SL live music scene. For now, I'll simply say that venues are severely under-appreciated, and if audiences don't pitch in more to support them, what we have will fall apart. Remember what you would spend on a 1 hour dinner at a restaurant. How about a 2 hour movie with snacks and drinks? What would you spend on a few hours at a bar with friends? If you aren't spending at least that much in support of the venues you are visiting that day, you are seriously under-valuing this scene you are enjoying.

Michael : Conversely what would you say irks you the most ? (aside from annoying interviewers)
Jeffah : Hahaha! Again, some things are better left un-said. ;) However, I will say that I'm often irked when someone feels I should be able to sing every song that has ever been written in the history of our existence as humans... ie: they get annoyed when I don't know a song they feel I should be singing. There, I think that's the safest answer I could provide for this question. LOL
Michael : At Toggle For Music we are now almost 6 months into our crusade to promote SL live music in any way we can. Could you give us any advice on ways we could go about this?
Jeffah : To be honest, promotion is only as effective as the audience who sees it. We promote ourselves using dozens of Facebook groups, SL groups, Twitter, Instagram, our own fan groups, subscribers, etc. but unless people are looking at these places, they won't see any of our promotion. Sometimes the BEST promotion is word-of-mouth!
Michael : Finally, in closing, is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Jeffah : Yes. I like sushi. Oh, and roller coasters. I also like flying, but my arms aren't able to keep me up very long these days. ;)
Michael : Thank you Jeffah!
For me - Jeffah is the consummate professional. Each show he does is tailored to the venue and its audience. Thoughout his set he welcomes each and every member of the audience as they arrive. His passion and his sense of humour are interlaced with the songs he sings so well. Over the years I have been to many of his concerts and truly loved every one. It's been a pleasure to interview the great man!
MichealJ Rossini
1st July 2021