By Fantasia True

Part 1 - The Plan
On the 23rd April Exclusive Music Village will be hosting a Feed a Smile event that will run from 9am SLT - 1pm SLT, and I have been lucky enough to get a behind the scenes pass as all the final touches are put into place.
Building up to the 23rd I will be giving you some sneak peeks as well as Interviews with the Owner of Exclusive – Aust, as well as some of the scheduled performers.
I will also be taking a look into the history of Feed a Smile as I know most of you have heard of it, more than likely donated and would have seen at least some of your favourite performers at one of their many events.

Brique Topaz
Part 2 - The Cause
Brique Topaz the true force behind the charity will be talking to me as I tell her story and how all this started and to find out about the passion behind the amazing woman.
Feed A Smile is a charity so close to our hearts at TFM , that we have a dedicated page to that wonderful cause. Hit the logo below to see Fantasia's in depth interview with Brique ....
Part 3 - The Venue
Aust is the owner of Exclusive Village a region that totals over 60,000 prims and the venue for the Feed-A-Smile event on the 23rd April.
I asked if I could sit down with him and find out more about the man who has built a vast place for all to enjoy.
Hailing from Italy, born in Rome, the City of Love and living in Milan, the City of the Future, he of course loves Pasta and BBQ (think that might be an American influence or from all his travels).
Aust first came to Second Life from IMVU, unfortunately for him he was hacked in IMVU and lost a lot of money but fortunately for Second Life it brought him to us.

So when he arrived in SL he first rented a sim for fun and Exclusive Village for him is a second step because he loves to build.
Then he started to go to live music performances and that’s when he decided to build a music venue – but not just one Aust had to build three and when asked him about this he said three at the moment! Aust did not create as a business but to quench his creative thirst and he does love to change one of the venues on a monthly basis.
The Rock Stage within the Exclusive Village is Aust’s favourite but not because that is his favourite genre he loves all good singers of all genres (apart from Latin which makes him nervous).
Personally I think it’s his favourite because of the awesome race track there as he is a motor head with 70 cars to race within Second Life. Please check it out it’s a great stress reliever when you crash which I do often!
So Aust loves to build and host events at his venues and hates dramas as well as over gesturing in chat!! His favourite colour is black but I don’t see Aust as a person with a dark persona just another member of this amazing community trying to bring those that enjoy aspects of fun, with music and games and shops and rides along with the racetrack to be enjoyed by all.
So if you have nothing to do or waiting for your favourite artist then go visit as there is lot to see and do. Enjoy Aust’s expensive hobby and vision and check it out and tip the venue at one of the many shows that run every weekend, the notice board is at the main venue entrance.
I think we are extremely lucky to have builders and SL investors like Aust that allows our SL to be everything we need it to be to maximise all our enjoyments, whatever you like.
There is a flickr link which shows you all of the builds so you can see how creative he likes to be.

Part 4 - The Awesome Event
Well the day of the actual concert had arrived and the task of fund raising for Feed A Smile was about to begin and begin it did, unfortunately I could not make the first few acts so our team at Toggle for Music attended the first three hours and covered these amazing singers who gave us their talents for free to help raise money for this worthwhile cause.
At 9am SLT the concert was opened by none other than Kendall Jigsaw as reported by the man himself MichaelJRossini:

First up was Kendall Jigsaw. The first spot at an event is usually the one nobody wants but Kendall was bringing the crowds in nicely and after less than 15 minutes he already had over 30 enthusiastic fans flocking to the dance floor.
Kendall's music is uncompromising high energy rock and he soon had his audience roaring their appreciation as he blasted his way through a set comprising Nickelback, Saliva, Gary Moore and many more. My personal favourite was ACDC classic “Whole Lotta Rosie” on which Kendall accompanied himself with a soaring electric guitar as he did throughout the show. Between songs Kendall's engaging style shone through as he encouraged donations to the wonderful cause.”
Next up to follow the opening act was Katia Portugal at 10am SLT
“I’ve seen Katia many times before and I can honestly say I’ve never been disappointed. Every show she does is packed with the wonderful high energy that has become her trademark. This time we were treated to Black Eyed Peas, Iron Maiden, Michael Jackson, Blondie, and U2. Each song as good as the last one, I loved every minute!
When Katia left the stage to rapturous applause the crowd had swelled to 45. A sensational set from a truly sensational performer”

At 11am SLT Tiillen Avers was passed the mic so to speak
“I had tried to catch Tillen at the TAO festival but narrowly missed her so this was a performance I was looking forward to - and what a treat I was in for! Put simply, Tillen has one of the strongest voices I ever heard in Second Life. Elton John's Sacrifice, Christina Aguilera's Beautiful plus many many more - all rendered with such clarity and passion I was completely blown away.
Tillen moves from one genre to another with the skill and polish of a real professional. I can’t pick out a highlight - every song was a highlight in its own right. But above all ...Con Te Partiro, a classic often performed by Andrea Bocelli - just totally awesome!! This amazing songstress from Moscow has just become one of my all-time favourites! “
“By now the audience had passed 50 and the whole place was buzzing as my friend and colleague arrived to take over for the rest of this wonderful event.”
Michael then passed me the baton to finish the coverage of this amazing event and as I arrived the donations had amassed to an amazing 45KL after just three hours.
I also knew I was in for a treat as the amazing Mavenn was to be the next performer.
Mavenn opened her set with the Queen classic –“I want to Break Free” and the powerhouse that is Mavenn get on delivering with the rawness that makes her a real talent.
At this point I decided to make a request for a donation of course and went for one of my all-time classic favourites originally by 4 Non blondes “What’s Up” - Mavenn did not and could not disappoint me as she made it her own.
Mavenn performed a new song “Like the Way I Do” and she definitely stimulates the eardrums and captivates you while you listen and become mesmerised.
She powers into “Bad Woman Blues” while the back ground reminds us why we are here and that is because “We believe in making a difference”.
So as Mavenn finishes her set with a great rendition of “Dime Store Diamond” it’s not something that you can say about Mavenn as she “shines like the real thing” because she is the real thing.
If you get a chance to go hear her it is highly recommended and always request a Bonnie Rait or Beth Hart song because that’s a musical treat for any listener.

At this point we are standing at 70KL as the next act takes the stage which will be the unflappable Winter.
I have known Winter quite a while now and also BadOne his Manager and when they get together you can expect something special not just in Winters voice but the way they work together to get us all engaged in the end goal of this event and that is to raise meals for Feed a Smile.
As winter took to the stage to start his performance he threw out a challenge to the crowd and that was if we could get to 100KL at the end of his act he would perform all his shows for a week in a bunny onesie!!!
So to his amazement by the time he finished his rendition of All Night Long we had hit 106051KL, and true to his word he changed there and then to perform the rest of his set.
As it was easy to get lost in the atmosphere and fun being had by the crowd and the challenges being thrown out to raise money I want to tell you a bit about Winter.
“Winter, unlike the season, brings warmth, passion, and a vibrant personality full of humour to SL's live music environment. He performs professionally in Real Life in countries all over Europe; Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, Serbia, and Hungary”.
“This powerful songwriter/performer performs a high energy, rock, blues rock and classic rock guitar show covering tunes from Elvis and the Beetles to Bon Jovi, White Snake, Aerosmith, Gun and Roses all the way to Metallica!”

As a songwriter/performer he says, "the emotion that a song creates and the crowds reaction to each song is what drives me."
So after performances of “Dirty Diana”, “I can’t get no Satisfaction” it is thrown into the mix that Bad and Holly if 160KL is raised will become Dinkies for every show over the next week. For those that are not aware Dinkies are small cat avatars within SL so the donations start flooding in to the delight of Brique and Sunray, (Feed a Smile Organisation) and Aust the venue owner.
Winter is an amazing performer and his original version of “it’s My Life” is second to none. His last song was the great Queen song “I want it all” and the lyrics can be apt considering we were raising money to feed kids in Kenya and I think we can forget living in the western world how much we take things for granted, because no child should ever go hungry anywhere on this planet of ours.
Oh and before we end the set I bet your all wondering – the total stood at £211K a new record and we should all be seeing Bad around the grid as a Dinkie (if not let me know!!)

The last act of the night was Akilikos.
“Il segreto del canto risiede tra la vibrazione della voce di chi canta ed il battito del cuore di chi ascolta. La voce di Akilikos è il tipo di voce che le orecchie seguono come se ogni parola fosse un arrangiamento di note che non verrà mai più suonato.”
Akilikos opened his set with the Dire Straits classic “Money for Nothing” and I can honestly say the funds raised at this event was worked so hard for by all our entertainers.
Akilikos gave us great renditions of “Smoke on the Water”, “Highway to Hell”, “Unchain my heart” and “I wish I Could Stay”.
He ended his set with “Imagine” and there is one verse that fits this charity and what they are trying to achieve:
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
Now close your eyes and Imagine, Smile and then Feed a Smile.

So thank you to everyone who helped to do this and provide 4 full days of meals for the children in Kenya.
It is very hard to capture the awesomeness of Second Life when they come together for events like this and how much every person from wherever they live, no matter of borders or religion can work as a team to make things happen –
“What a Wonderful World”.

Job Done!!