This is mainly a Venue for LIVE performers and a lot of blues , It's a relaxed fun place on the open seas leading to the Blake sea.. WE love to see people at the club and enjoying it
Sailors are welcome to bring their boats in to visit , keep it to 50 prims:)) All are welcome. We have a Rezz Zone also
We choose all the Artists who sing at the Blues Cove carefully. It's not just about being a good singer or entertainer ..It's about personality, Warmth and kindness. This can't be faked and comes across to the guests who give us their time. It's a small club with a friendly family feel and everybody in it, is Family, the guests , the artists and the staff. I never want it to be anything else, not big or high profile.... We are here for the music, for the friends and to go away after the shows with a happy feeling....